Corporate & Social Responsibility

To uphold the reputation of our Customers, Business Partners & our

organization by ensuring ethics, integrity and technical expertise are

uncompromisingly practiced at all times.

Wings Enterprises is dedicated to treating all

staff in a respectable and responsible

manner recognising the economic,

social and environmental impacts of our


Corporate Responsibility

Wings Enterprises recognizes it’s commitment to conducting business in a manner which achieves sustainable growth whilst fulfilling legal and moral obligations. We are constantly improving exceptional standards in Social, Ethical and Health & Safety Compliance at every stage of the production process and throughout the supply chain in our factories & those of our partners.


Social Responsibility

We aim to achieve our business objectives in a caring and responsible manner recognising the economic, social and environmental impacts of our activities. Through a range of initiatives and solutions we aim to reduce our carbon footprint and work pro-actively with customers and suppliers to reduce waste, promote recycling and reduce our overall impact on the environment.

Our Code of Conduct

safe and healhy working conditions must be provided

Employees are to be paid no less than the legal minimum age as required by the law of the individual country

Working hours must not exceed those set out by local legislation and over time must be voluntary

The use of child labour is forbidden

Any form of discrimination whether caste, creed, race, religion will not be acceptable

we respect rights of workers to join an association of their choice and their collective bargaining.

certification & standards

We work with employees and suppliers committed to providing safe and pleasant work places. We provide our employees with guidance and learning resources to

help them become more efficient, productive and responsive. We expect our employees and suppliers to meet our standards of labour, health, safety, environment and ethics. We have the following accreditation in our factories.

We have been accredited by Sedex.

Sedex is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to improve ethical and responsible business practices in global supply chains. Sedex stands for Supplier Ethical Data Exchange, which is an online system that allows suppliers to maintain data on ethical & responsible practices and allows them to share this information with their customers.


We participate in Business Social Compliance Initiative now amfori BSCI.

The amfori BSCI is based on the labor standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and other important international regulations like the UN Charta for Human Rights, as well as on national regulations. This initiative aims at continuously improving the social performance of suppliers, ultimately enhancing working conditions in factories worldwide.

Let's talk about how we can transform

your business!

© 2021 Wings Enterprises